Why Intesafety

Intesafety are
 "Real World Pragmatists" with over 100 years of real world experience -who keep things simple

If you want a Health, Safety & Wellness system that is right sized, shaped by your organisation, critical risk focussed and that keeps things simple and real then look no further!

We Do Everything

Let Intesafety be your H S & W workforce by outsourcing. - We will do it all!

We Do Some Things

Intesafety can suport your internal team -  Support  only in the areas you need.

Help As You Need it

One-off help whenever you need it by phone, email or face to face.

Compelling reasons for using Intesafety

We are experienced real world pragmatists that understand work needs to get done with a minimum of disruption, but at the same time safely.

We get your team home safe by keeping safety simple and real – we keep things simple!

We partner with you and come up with a plan in consultation with yourself and your workforce – we partner!

The simpler the system is at a worksite level the more likely it will work – we keep site safety front and centre.

Safety at its core is about people, if you focus on people you can’t go wrong – we focus on people.

Safety needs to focus on critical risks (those that will most likely seriously hurt your workers) – critical risk thinking is in our DNA.

A healthy and well workforce is a productive and safe workforce – we focus on wellness as well as safety (the two go hand in hand).

If you want a Health, Safety & Wellness system that is right sized, shaped by your own organisation, has critical risk as it's focus and that keeps things simple and real; then look no further. 
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Client Testimonials

- Nelson Airport
We delivered a Health, Safety and Wellbeing assessment based on ISO 45001 (Health & Safety) and ISO45003 (Psychological safety at work). Great culture creates great outcomes and this was the case with this high performing team. Opportunities were identified to allow continual improvement and the team went from strong to stronger with common sense system based recommendations. This scope was delivered with a key focus on robust communication and consultation throughout the process.

-Beatson Group

We delivered a Health and Safety system to this construction company in consultation with the workforce and management. A significant amount of consultation occurred to ensure all key members of the workforce were involved in identifying risk and elements within the health and safety system. We assisted with software identification and rollout, which included designing a monitoring and measuring system to help track system performance. The system is now fully mature and in the continual improvement phase.

- Ngāti Waewae

We delivered a Health and Safety system for this iwi in consultation with the kaimahi. A significant amount of consultation occurred to ensure the key risks were identified and a plan implemented that would control these risks. Site inspections were also completed of mechanised pounamu extraction to ensure extractive industry best practices were being utilised. The system is now mature and in the continual improvement phase.


-Francis Mining

We delivered a Health and Safety system focused on principal risk management and compliance with the Mines and Quarries Act. We continue to follow up with 3 yearly principal hazard management audits as required by the Act. 



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Get in touch with us today for your complimentary health and safety consultation.
Let's talk
Getting your team home safe
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