It’s a time to say well done to the majority of New Zealanders for a start. Into our second week of lockdown, it’s great to see most Kiwis accepting and understanding the seriousness of this event. In these unprecedented times, it is only natural to feel a bit over overwhelmed by the impact of COVID-19, as we are adapting to our changed world.

As many individuals and businesses struggle to adjust to the changes and uncertainties of what lies ahead, it is important that we focus on what we can control. In most circumstances, that is you, first and foremost.

You will likely experience a different range of emotions for the changing phases for this event. The initial shock or disbelief of such a dramatic change in the way we live, then the acceptance of the change as a new normal. The longer this lasts, the more potential it has to turn into frustration before we see the light at the end of the tunnel and the relief of returning to the old normal – with no doubt an element of recovery mode.

Get support

If you need help, make sure you use your support structures around you. It’s always OK to ask for help.

For many people, simple things during this kind of transition can include maintaining some structure to your life, by keeping as many routines as possible in place and being positive about the things you need to change.

If you’re working differently, look to adapt your set up so it works effectively for you rather than just ‘making do.’

Most importantly, recognise the positives day-to-day, reflect on achievements and appreciate all the good things you have around you.

Set Goals

For both individuals and teams in the workplace, setting out your purpose, values and goals for this period as an individual or team can bring some clear focus to help you all with adapting to our changed world.

Discuss with your team or work peers their needs and expectations, anticipate what their strengths and weaknesses could be with this change, and most of all, amp up the laughter!

If you are a leader in a business, your role will also change. You can’t lead the same way as you did before the lockdown so look at ways to 

Lockdown Opportunity Planner - Adapting to our changed world - Intesafety Workplace Health and Safety Partners

dial up the connection with your workers. Keep them informed of what’s happening down the track in the next week or so and make sure you continue to recognise their value and output in this challenging and changing workplace environment.

To help set goals and establish what is important to you at this time, download and complete our helpful planner here.


Good, effective leadership is needed from the point of view of business continuity and development. While there will be a focus on crisis management, look beyond the damage. There may be opportunities to be more innovative, do things differently and improve your business. Try to dig deep and look at things in a different way.

We’re all in this together, with a shared purpose to save many lives by making small sacrifices now. You’re going to think the times are difficult and they’re going to be – but in years to come, there will be special moments that you will clearly remember because you’ve adapted and made this a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to do things that you might never have.

Keep strong, support each other and be safe.

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