Emergency Response Planning

The once in a 100-year disaster is no longer once in 100 years!

We live in a new and precarious world where natural and man-made disasters occur alarmingly frequently. Are you prepared for the next big one?

Why Intesafety can help you plan?

We have vast experience with over 40 years’ in both Aotearoa | New Zealand and internationally dealing with emergencies. There is nothing quite like "lived" experience in this area of Health & Safety, and we’ve got it.
From major natural disasters to major security events, we have seen almost everything, and we know that no plan survives an emergency, but at least there’s a plan that forms the foundation.

What’s the process for emergency response planning?

We’ll scope your business and risk assess the types of emergencies that are most likely to occur.

We will assess your organisation’s structure and ensure roles and responsibilities are clear in the plan.

We will assess your organisation's emergency communication systems and effectiveness. We partner with companies in Aotearoa that can enhance your emergency communications and planning.

A plan will be prepared that can be integrated with CIMS (Coordinated Incident Management System) and is easy to understand and implement.

Training will be provided so the plan is clearly understood and is tested by a drill.

Mother Nature poses a significant risk to many organisations. Given the tragic events of Whakaari - White Island, Abbey Caves, the Mangatepopo canyoning disaster and sadly many others, understanding the limits for safe operations is critical.
Failing to identify, control, monitor (including auditing), measure and train these, poses a significant risk of emergencies that don’t need to happen.
No matter what your industry - Do you have clearly understood limits for safe operations? - Do your workers understand them? How do you monitor & test them?

— By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail (Benjamin Franklin)

Our consultants have extensive experience in emergency response, including planning and training for them.

We often work with businesses to help them set-up robust Emergency Plans.  This is how we can help;

By reviewing current emergency plans to ensure they enable effective responses.

Draft and implement emergency response, crisis management and business continuity plans.

With real world experience of emergency situations including natural disasters within Aotearoa | New Zealand and internationally.

Ensure there are leading emergency response teams on the ground in real time emergencies.

Provide advice to senior leaders as part of Emergency Support Groups (ESGs).

Provide training to on the ground teams and ESGs in how to respond.

Please contact us for more information
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Get in touch with us today for your complimentary health and safety consultation.
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Getting your team home safe
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