We all know how important it is as leaders to ensure we have an effective health and safety management system (HSMS) operating within the business. A good practice HSMS is:

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  • accessible for workers,
  • well maintained,
  • it is user-friendly (i.e. something workers can understand and isn’t overly complex),
  • functional, allowing for information to be centralised, managed through a systematic workflow and analysed for measuring the effectiveness of the process and identify any emerging trends


Traditional Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) Management Systems has led to the generation of a vast amount of paperwork. While this often gets put into an electronic format of some kind, it can lead to a lot of administrative work and in some cases duplication. On top of that, you generally need to have various forms readily available to workers, which for contractors or workers in field situations, for example, can present challenges.

You’re also reliant on workers to have the discipline to locate a form, complete it and submit it.  This process is sometimes seen as “too hard”.  Unfortunately means the business may not always be informed of its at-risk opportunities.

Then comes the paperwork shuffle following submission – that important bit of paper gets lost in the process!

Any of those scenarios sound familiar?

The good news is, HSEQ management doesn’t need to be this difficult. By transitioning to a paperless HSEQ software solution, you can simply and easily automate many of these functions – making your workers’ lives easier, ensuring data is captured just once and that the majority of your HSEQ functional information is centralised in one place.

Intesafety, along with its reputable software partner INX Software, can provide a user-friendly, cost-effective and tailored solution. InControl is a powerful solution that is customised to your specific needs. It is scalable for any business and integrates key functionality into one centralised platform. Through scheduling and specific event type workflows, automation for HSEQ functionality is introduced.

By configuring the InControl software to your specific workplace management requirements, it effectively takes the majority of paperwork out of it. It provides the following:

  • Centralised platform – for all your event types (incidents, near miss, hazards, inspections, audits, meetings etc.) to be raised and managed plus your business risk register, dInControl Mobile App Automationocument library, people records, registers, etc.
  • Mobile compatibility – you want to ensure any worker that has a smartphone and is registered in the company’s software system can benefit from the solution. Stats show that having mobile functionality increases the company’s reporting number by nearly half!
  • Local support – you will want to learn more about the solution and make it work for you so having a local rep who is accessible is vital.
  • Risk register – the capability to link events to the risk, enabling you to review controls, track the hot spots and emerging trends for HSEQ events.
  • Document library – so workers can access up to date information anytime.
  • Checklist development – functionality for you to develop your own checklists for workplace inspections, audits, product quality checks, etc.
  • Built-in registers – e.g. equipment registers, approved contractors’ registers – to enable scheduling of renewals and checks.
  • Real-time trend analysis – the most up-to-date data and results
  • Good reporting functionality – for instant measuring of HSEQ management performance to ensure you are maintaining the preventative focus you need to achieve your safety objectives.

Go paperless

Paperless safety systems can transform a business culture by making all the standard HSEQ management functions easy to use. It just becomes the way a business operates – which is how it should be.

Boost your workplace HSEQ management experience by going paperless – good safety software can make a world of difference to your business.

Written by Aaron Neighbours

General Manager Intesafety and INX Software Partner

Intesafety Certification Badges
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