Risk Assessments

Your business is about to have the type of workplace culture that other businesses only dream about

Get a Health, Safety & Welfare system that’s fit for risk, is not wordy and which helps you meet the requirements of the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 to get your team home safe every day. The power is not in how much is written, but the quality of what’s written. Keeping it simple and real is what it’s all about.

Why Intesafety

We have completed a vast number of Health, Safety & Welfare systems for every industry you can imagine. For Large, Medium, Small to Sole Trader businesses we have you covered with a pricing plan to suit. If you are looking for a common sense, risk-based approach to Health, Safety & Welfare which focusses on keeping things simple and covers your risks then look no further.
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Workplace Investigations at Intepeople

What’s the process for completing a Health, Safety & Welfare system:

We will scope your business and figure out what your risks are and identify your critical risks, i.e., the ones most likely to seriously hurt your workers.
We will complete your Health, Safety & Welfare system focusing on critical risk control. There will be a number of forms, induction and implementation plan which will support the plan.
Depending on the complexity of your business, we will design a critical risk management program to ensure your critical risks are controlled, monitored & measured.
We match your written system with simple and cost-effective Health & Safety software to keep safety simple and accessible for your workforce. This software is optional and you can operate a paper based system, although best to use software.
We’ll keep in touch during the rollout of your system to help guide the operationalization of the plan with regular check-ins.

Our consultants have extensive experience providing Health, Safety & Welfare Systems.

Pragmatists who understand work needs to get done with a minimum of disruption.
Focussing on engagement with your business so you have a partner you can rely on to deliver your Health, Safety & Welfare system.
Operational implementation based on real world experience focusing on work as completed opposed to work as imagined.
Risk Assessment based on ISO30001.
Health & Safety based on ISO45001.
Embedded welfare based on ISO45003 (psychosocial harm).
Options to embed ISO14001 (Environmental).
Produce readable, concise and accurate documentation.
Intesafety Certification Badges
Get in touch with us today for your complimentary health and safety consultation.
Let's talk
Getting your team home safe
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