
Health & Safety software is a must for a sole trader all the way up to larger corporates

Killing trees is a thing of the past and your Health & Safety system can really power you up if you use it. 

We know that a connected workforce is a safe workforce and good software definitely connects.

Intesafety know all about Health & Safety Software

At Intesafety, we strongly believe in supporting Aotearoa | New Zealand innovation and as it happens, NZ produces great H&S Software.
We are aligned with two software solutions that are built here in Aotearoa, provide excellent platforms to power up your Health & Safety, are cost effective and highly functional in their respective spaces.

Site App Pro

Site App Pro is a great small to medium size business H&S suite that is cost effective, simple to use and App and Web based (pricing plan dependent) making it easy for workers to use. Many of our clients rave about this software. It also has offline capability. There is a tiered pricing plan with functionality incrementally increasing with the price point. There is price point and functionality fit for any size organisation.


Assura is a fantastic solution for enterprise level H&S for medium to large companies with a large number of workers and more complex risks including the use of high risk contractors. This solution gives you the bells and whistles and will really power your H&S to the next level. It’s more expensive than Site App Pro but fully customisable by the client and has a web and App based application. It also has offline capability.

Call Intesafety now to help you make the right Software choice for your business.

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Use Software to revolutionise your H&S management

Advantages of Software

Affordable: Cost effective versus manual paper-based systems.

Paperless: Saves the planet.

Ease of Use: Puts H&S in the hands of the workers.

Offline Capability: Operates without signal and dumps to the cloud when there is connectivity.

Scheduling: Able to schedule events and tasks so you don’t forget.

Audits & Inspections: Allows you to easily check your sites.

Audit Trail: You don’t loose that pesky paper for your audit trail, it’s all in the cloud.

Reports: Can be generated easily to ensure KPIs are being met.

Virtual Management: Your external or internal H&S resource can review your system from afar, as can you, to determine if deliverables are being met.

We have an Aotearoa | New Zealand-wide reputation for our experience in helping companies to match the right software for their needs.
We can help you to select your own software solution using our formal assessment criteria to assess it, and ensure you get what you need.

 Do it Once - Do it Right & Ditch the Paper.

Software for Emergency Response Planning

We have partnered with Manaaki CMS who provide a powerful and integrated Software based Emergency Management System platform. With powerful analytics and real time overlays your CIMS (Coordinated Incident Management System) plans can be bought to life to give you a Common Operating Picture (COP) of your emergency environment. We are excited by the unique Kiwi innovation in this space. It is world leading and puts your destiny in your own hands in order to make timely and informed decisions.

Make Contact about Manaaki CMS
Emergency image credit Beep software

Deploy Beep for rapid communication that is critical in emergency situations

Beep Software

Beep4Business is a leading provider of SMS (Short Message Service) solutions, offering an innovative integration facility to third party applications via an SMS API, and standalone mobile friendly communication portals to facilitate a robust and versatile 2-way text message platform. 

Have certainty that your communications get through, allowing you to move quickly on any developing situation.

Beep4Business empowers businesses to efficiently deliver text messaging services to multiple groups across various market sectors.

Talk to us about Beep

Wellness Apps

Wellness Apps are not for every business. However, they can provide powerful insights and assistance to workers if needed.

We have partnered with 2 Apps we think are market leading in their respective fields and both are made right here in Aotearoa. We are all about supporting Aotearoa Tech.

With these Apps, together with our Health and Safety Software solutions, you can have a true digital ecosystem to address Health. Safety and Wellness risks. That’s pretty powerful stuff.

Groov | Workplace Science That Lifts People & Performance 

Groov lifts employee satisfaction, engagement, and performance by delivering timely support. The workplace science platform integrates data science and psychology to offer assistance precisely when employees need it most.

Key features include Recharge, for science-backed microbreaks; Check-In, for daily mood tracking; Manager Microlearning, which helps managers be better managers; and Custom Prompts, for personalised prompt creation. The Groov platform is highly configurable and supported by PhD-qualified workplace science advisors.

Contact Us about Wellness Apps
Wellness apps
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Getting your team home safe
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