Reduced absenteeism
Fewer workplace injuries
Enhanced ability to attract and retain top talent
Increased productivity
Improved employee engagement
Elevated morale
Stress reduction
Enhanced teamwork
We've reviewed various wellbeing initiatives across different companies, and each has its unique approach to wellbeing. When we assess Health and Wellbeing Plans for companies, we consider a broad spectrum of wellbeing initiatives based on our experiences in various industries across New Zealand.
How does your program measure up?
From our experience:
Nothing beats the power of sharing a meal. From our Aotearoa | New Zealand and broader world experience, gathering people around a table breaks down barriers swiftly, even when language is a barrier.
Who regularly schedules Friday BBQs or dinner outings?
And don't forget the power of positive reinforcement - a simple "Well Done!" can go a long way.
Wellbeing and culture surveys – how are you doing as opposed to how you think you are doing?
Employee Engagement – are you getting the best out of your teams?
Wellbeing stem surveys – do you have the right elements within your health & wellbeing systems?
Insights Discovery – do you understand the strengths and weaknesses of your team members to optimise team dynamics?
Restorative Practice for Conflict Resolution – Are there relationships in the workplace that are impacted due to unresolved conflict? Could people use some help to get things back on track?
Occupational health monitoring identification – is high risk workers' health monitored for early detection and prevention?
Alcohol & drugs programs – are high risk tasks alcohol and drugs free, is there an effective testing program in place?
Bullying & Harassment systems – are there policies in place and are these implemented effectively?
Hazardous Atmosphere Identification - do you understand what occupational atmospheres may impact your workers health and safety?
Mental Health Services – do you understand the types of services available to assist workers who need help and what best practice looks like in this space?
Taha tinana (physical health) - The capacity for physical growth and development. Good physical health is required to be healthy overall.
Taha wairua (spiritual health) - Māori understand that physical health can be influenced by spiritual health (the two go hand in hand).
Taha whānau (family health) - This is the link to ancestors, our ties with the past, the present and the future. Whānau can contribute to and help heal illness and are fundamental to our overall wellness.
Taha hinengaro (mental health) - Thoughts, feelings and emotions are integral components of the body and soul and our overall wellness.
At Intesafety we understand that overall wellbeing is impacted by these factors both individually and collectively. The overall aim for wellbeing is to achieve balance between all four so our wellbeing bucket is full 😊
Source Māori health models – Te Whare Tapa Whā | Ministry of Health NZ
Groov lifts employee satisfaction, engagement, and performance by delivering timely support. The workplace science platform integrates data science and psychology to offer assistance precisely when employees need it most.
Key features include Recharge, for science-backed microbreaks; Check-In, for daily mood tracking; Manager Microlearning, which helps managers be better managers; and Custom Prompts, for personalised prompt creation. The Groov platform is highly configurable and supported by PhD-qualified workplace science advisors.